I'm not a devotional girl. Especially marriage devotionals. We've tried them in the past and we usually give up because they seem cheesy or they don't apply. We decided to try to go through Love and War Devotional for Couples by John and Stasi Eldredge this year to see if it was any good.
I have loved it so far. I knew we were too busy with a baby to try and read the book but reading 2-3 pages before bed seemed manageable. There are still cheesy parts, like the written prayers, but written prayers are just kind of cheesy sometimes. The book has made us talk about things we don't normally talk about. At the end of each week there is a challenge for you as a couple and those have been great. I actually wish there were more of those throughout the book.
Perhaps the best part of the book so far was the week on "Your spouse is not your enemy." Reading through that week has made both of us more quick to apologize and made me realize that when I'm getting frustrated or angry at Mike, it usually isn't actually something he's doing but me listening to lies Satan is whispering.
We still have a few more weeks to read, but I'm excited to see where this book takes our marriage. I think this will be one of those books we come back to every few years.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review
I have this book but haven't read it! Glad you liked it, maybe we'll pick it up soon.. :)