
book club book

Product DetailsWe chose the book Room by Emma Donoghue for our next book club.  When I stopped by school a few weeks ago, several of the ladies had already started reading it and warned me that it was hard to read and that they didn't really like it.  I picked it up from the library this week, knowing that I had to read it, but unsure if I would like it.  It turned out that I really enjoyed it.  It's written from the perspective of a 5 year old boy.  His mother was kidnapped 9 years ago and has been held captive in a room that entire time.  Jack, the boy, was born in the room and has never been out.  The writing style takes a little to get used to because the narrator is 5 but once you get past that, it's quite a touching story.  I stayed up late last night to finish it because it got a bit scary and then once I got through that part, I just wanted to know what happened to the characters.  I'm really excited for our discussion on Friday because I know some of the ladies did not like the book so it should be a good chat.


safe haven

Product DetailsI've read a bunch of Nicolas Sparks' books before and I usually enjoy them.  I like that they're quick reads and have a good love story without being too smutty.  I just finished reading Safe Haven and loved it.  It has a great love story but also quite the dramatic ending.  I loved that he wove some suspense into this novel.  I had to make myself put it down last night at midnight and as soon as Hudson went down for his nap this morning, I finished reading it.  If they make this one into a movie, I may actually see it.


a surprising read

Product DetailsI started reading Indivisible by Kristen Heitzmann with a bit of hesitation.  I knew it was a Christian suspense novel so I had no idea what to expect.  The beginning started out a bit flowery for me, but once the plot got going, I was intrigued.  The mysteries are developed pretty well, although she gives away too much as I had figured it out about half way through.  I think the best part was the lack of a "come to Jesus" moment that many Christian novels have that are so cheesy.  It really was just a suspenseful book with out the language, sex or gore that many mainstream novels have.  I will probably pick up another one of her novels to see if I like it a little bit better.  Overall, this was a good mystery that kept me intrigued but not awake all night.

Thank you to Waterbrook Multnomah for providing me with a copy of this book to review.


Land Of The Living

One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
Psalm 27:4 NIV

Is it bad to memorize this by song? I have the Enter the Worship Circle Song "Land of the Living" stuck in my head.