We chose the book Room by Emma Donoghue for our next book club. When I stopped by school a few weeks ago, several of the ladies had already started reading it and warned me that it was hard to read and that they didn't really like it. I picked it up from the library this week, knowing that I had to read it, but unsure if I would like it. It turned out that I really enjoyed it. It's written from the perspective of a 5 year old boy. His mother was kidnapped 9 years ago and has been held captive in a room that entire time. Jack, the boy, was born in the room and has never been out. The writing style takes a little to get used to because the narrator is 5 but once you get past that, it's quite a touching story. I stayed up late last night to finish it because it got a bit scary and then once I got through that part, I just wanted to know what happened to the characters. I'm really excited for our discussion on Friday because I know some of the ladies did not like the book so it should be a good chat.
The line I love best is "The writing style takes a little to get used to because the narrator is 5 but once you get past that..." Indeed: that's certainly a hurdle to overcome! Glad you did it and enjoyed.