As I was reading a parenting book this weekend, I came across this statement included in their beliefs about children.
"We maintain that almost everything children do is an attempt to learn and that there is always a healthy impulse behind a child's behavior." (pg. xxi Becoming the Parent You Want To Be, emphasis mine)
I've been thinking about it all weekend and whether I believe it. I think I believe it in the obvious times. The putting together a puzzle or stacking rings times. The tasting new food and trying to sign times. But do I believe it in the whining, grabbing at my legs times? The tantrum on the floor time? (side note: why is it called a temper tantrum? isn't calling it that saying it's a part of their personality? a flaw? and not a response to frustration and learning and growing?)
what do you think? do those ugly, hard kid moments have an element of learning behind them? and if so, what should my response be in those times?
a little kitchen decorating
When I returned from vacation, I was super motivated to start decorating the kitchen. Mike had made me a chalkboard that I hung in the kitchen and then we bought a new desk from ikea so we could have a little "command" center. I found this idea on pinterest and got busy making them. Super easy and Mike already remembers to put his keys and wallet in his basket (thanks honey!).
I also wanted to make something to hang on the windows, but I didn't want to put up curtains because I love all the light that comes in the kitchen. So I made a fabric bunting and a fabric wreath.
While canning, we may have burned our table a bit and we were hosting k-group in 3 days so I made a tablecloth based on this tutorial. I had to get creative because I was using the leftover scraps from the other projects. My side pieces weren't long enough so I added the red corners from an old sheet. I used the sheet for the back as well. It's certainly not perfect but it adds lots of fun color to our kitchen.
I think my favorite part of the kitchen is these pictures, which are the backs of Cooks Illustrated magazines. I've been holding on to them for 6 years, waiting for a place in the kitchen to hang them, and now I have it.
august homemade item
Mike and I have been wanting to try out canning for some time now. We found a great deal on cucumbers at the farmers market last Saturday. They were called nickle pickles. Yep, cucumbers for 5 cents. We bought 20 pickles and spent our afternoon cutting and pickling. I made 2 jars of lactoferminted pickles and then the rest were just pickled using the Ball seasoning. We have to wait a few more weeks to try them, but hopefully they'll be yummy.
well, the year has come to an end. i have learned that setting goals is helpful for me but that in reality, they're not easy to accomplish. here's how i did...
-Canon City 9/25/10
-Fort Collins 02/11
-Denver (Ikea) 08/06/11
2. grow something and cook with it
-moving interrupted my growing plans. I have some herb packets ready to plant still this summer
3. read my bible everyday
-this one shouldn't be this hard, but i was never consistent with it
4. make cheese
-Mozzarella 3/25/11
5. write a childrens book for Hudson
-um a big no. didn't even attempt something I can wear
-had the tickets and then denny canceled. boo.
8. take Hudson to a pro sports game
-we took him to two sky soxs games but no pro sports. too expensive
9. sit on the porch swing once a week (Nov-March excluded unless the weather is nice)
-I did pretty good with this until we moved and didn't have a front porch
10. go 3 months without library fines
-did this from May-July
11. camp with Hudson
-no camping. too much family in town.
12. finish induction
-Mail Application to State of Colorado 11/2
-Received professional license in January
13. get 8 hours of sleep in a row-10/29
14. make a baby book for Hudson
-made one online for his birthday!
15. give up tv for a week
-vacation week in July
16. make wine with Mike
-materials bought but not made yet
17. can something
-overwhelmed by the thought of canning something but still hoping to do it this summer
18. learn how to make a vanilla latte at home
-Regular coffee with milk and vanilla flavored agave is close, but not quite there yet
-PW iced coffee with sweetened condenced milk is yummy and I actually like it better than starbucks
19. find a budget system that works & stick to it for 6 months
-cash envelope system is working for us
20. eat local for one week
-we ate local for a week in july. it was tough. and expensive
21. run a 5K
-i ran for a week. then it got cold.
22. wear a skirt or dress once a week
-i was pretty good at this one
23. learn how to take pictures
-i certainly took a lot of pictures and played around with the camera. i just don't think i have a good eye for it.
24. read the Anne of Green Gables series (hello 6th grade)
-Anne of Green Gables 4/12/11
-Anne of Avonlea 4/14/11
25. read one non-fiction book a month
26. read two fiction books a month
27. bake something from scratch once a week
-i baked once a week, but not always from scratch
I think I did pretty good. Some goals were much easier than others. It's so hard to predict what a year will hold. I certainly didn't see us building a house, which put a few wrinkles in some plans.
1. go on 6 day trips in Colorado -got 3 out of 6, not bad-Canon City 9/25/10
-Fort Collins 02/11
-Denver (Ikea) 08/06/11
2. grow something and cook with it
-moving interrupted my growing plans. I have some herb packets ready to plant still this summer
3. read my bible everyday
-this one shouldn't be this hard, but i was never consistent with it
-Mozzarella 3/25/11
5. write a childrens book for Hudson
-um a big no. didn't even attempt
-floral skirt 2/16/11
-also sewed another skirt and 2 shirts
7. see Dennison Witmer in concert-had the tickets and then denny canceled. boo.
8. take Hudson to a pro sports game
-we took him to two sky soxs games but no pro sports. too expensive
9. sit on the porch swing once a week (Nov-March excluded unless the weather is nice)
-I did pretty good with this until we moved and didn't have a front porch
-did this from May-July
11. camp with Hudson
-no camping. too much family in town.
-Reading/Writing/Thinking Connection Class 10/19, 10/21, 10/25, 10/28
-Meeting with Induction Coordinator 11/2-Mail Application to State of Colorado 11/2
-Received professional license in January
-made one online for his birthday!
-vacation week in July
16. make wine with Mike
-materials bought but not made yet
17. can something
-overwhelmed by the thought of canning something but still hoping to do it this summer
-Regular coffee with milk and vanilla flavored agave is close, but not quite there yet
-PW iced coffee with sweetened condenced milk is yummy and I actually like it better than starbucks
-cash envelope system is working for us
-we ate local for a week in july. it was tough. and expensive
21. run a 5K
-i ran for a week. then it got cold.
-i was pretty good at this one
23. learn how to take pictures
-i certainly took a lot of pictures and played around with the camera. i just don't think i have a good eye for it.
24. read the Anne of Green Gables series (hello 6th grade)
-Anne of Green Gables 4/12/11
-Anne of Avonlea 4/14/11
26. read two fiction books a month
27. bake something from scratch once a week
-i baked once a week, but not always from scratch
I think I did pretty good. Some goals were much easier than others. It's so hard to predict what a year will hold. I certainly didn't see us building a house, which put a few wrinkles in some plans.
hello blog
i've missed you. 4 months is a long time. i have some posts written in my head but i should go to bed so they'll have to wait.
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