
April Goals

Oh March.  Somehow you kicked my butt.  And I'm not entirely sure why.  I just lacked all motivation this last month to do anything.  But hurray it's a new month with new goals!

Here's how I did on my March Goals:

Here are my big goals for March:
1. Cozy Cameras Relaunch on March 3rd-Lots and lots of new cases are listed in the shop and having 3 sizes makes it so much easier for me.  No more trying to figure out how big to make a case for a custom order.  Sales were disappointing, but hopefully things will pick up with Mother's Day and summer right around the corner.
2. Complete a Whole30 - I seriously thought I wouldn't be able to do this, but I did! The first 10 days were rough, but it's been great since then.  I'm super proud of accomplishing this!
3. Create ABC Animal pictures with Hudson -Well, we made it through letter L.  Then H's enthusiasm tapered off.  I'm hoping to get them finished this month so I can make a book for him.
4. Learn about Prayer - Epic fail.  I read 2 pages in one book on prayer and spend 0 time intentionally praying.  I'm good at praying immediately after someone texts or emails a prayer request but that's about it.  Must do better at this!
5. Have a family adventure out of town - We discovered that our youngest kiddo is at a tough age for family adventures.  But, we did go hiking as a family and out to lunch.  Not out of town because of a rough night of sleep the night before, but we still had fun.
6. Do some sort of yoga each day - There were very few days with overlapping naps in March so finding time to do Yoga was tough.  I've also discovered that I like to do Yoga when it's peaceful so I'm going to try some new exercises in April

Here are my big goals for April:

1. Get the garden ready and start planting seeds outside

2. Read for fun

3. Exercise 3x a week: I'm trying this Crossfit at Home plan (super modified cuz I'm out of shape)

5. Internet free weekends

6. Read 2 books about prayer

I'm linking up with The Tiny Twig this month.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome on the Whole30 goal!!! I really want to do one this year, but am terrified!
