
recent reads

Things have been slow on the reading front, but I have managed to read a few books.
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First up, The All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.  We're attempting our first garden this summer and we knew that raised beds were the direction we wanted to go.  This book really helped me figure
out where to put stuff in the beds and how much to plant.  I've got a little plan worked up and I'm excited to get to start planting in a few weeks.

Product DetailsThe second book I finished was Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond.  I really loved this series on the Pioneer Woman's blog so I figured I would enjoy the book too.  It's such a great love story and I really enjoy her style of writing.

Product DetailsThe third book I finished was Real Food for Mother and Baby by Nina Planck.  No, I'm not pregnant, but my friend Jen recommended I read this book.  I was really fascinated by the section on eating for fertility and how important certain vitamins are.  She mentions cod liver oil several times, which I've been taking (not every day) for the last month because I kept reading about it.

My favorite part of the whole book was when she talked about what to do if you're sick in the 1st trimester.  I was worried that this book would make me feel bad about not being able to eat, but I liked her philosophy.  A lot of the preggo diets out there are so much food.  She said that if you can't eat much due to morning sickness, just make sure what you do eat is a real food.  I'm sure I'll still consume a large amount of Gatorade with the next pregnancy (it's already stockpiled in the basement) but I'm going to try to get some good food in there too when I can.  I did kind of skim the section on breastfeeding and what to feed your kid since we've already figured that out for the most part.

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